ODEM Community is an exciting arm of ODEM Group of Companies Limited. At ODEM Community, we develop virtual businesses and digital projects that benefit different areas of society. Simply put, this aspect of our business digitally contributes to SME Marketing, Networking, and Educational Development across entrepreneurship, education, and community tourism sectors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our ODEM Community has become even more critical.
Click the ODEM Community projects below for more information on each. Remember, the world is a patchwork of communities.
likklelikklejamaica.com: The website is a society and social platform, promoting Jamaica’s culture, music, art, and more. The online discussion forum provides visitors with an opportunity to be a part of a community and share their Jamaican experiences. Visitors and members can search for local businesses, shop for their favourite Jamaican products, or buy advertising to expose their business to the right target market. Both international and community tourism is a focal point of the site through the opportunity to find services, events, book vacations, or tours easily, and shop online. CLICK HERE TO VISIT SITE