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Odem Publishing

Odem Publishing is a member of the Odem Group of Companies Limited. We are a small niche publishing business, and we aim to attract clients who may be finding it difficult to publish their work. We invite you to submit a manuscript below.  

What We Do

We specialize in publishing remarkable stories, both fiction and non-fiction, that challenge humanity to grow and triumph. We are particularly interested in stories that examine human emotion, relationships, family life, and Christianity.


We also publish works of poetry to support the seemingly dying literary art form. If your poetry is unmasked and tacitly tender, we would be interested in publishing your work. Other areas of interest include publishing magazines and comics. 


We expect to publish only two books per year - a combination of any two genres. *We start accepting manuscript submissions on May 1st, 2020. To find out more about us or to submit a manuscript, please email us at

Submitting Your Manuscript

Odem Publishing only accepts digital manuscript submissions online from authors residing in the Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago. Once you submit your manuscript, we evaluate it to determine if it meets our manuscript guidelines and whether or not we think your work is a valuable addition to the line of books we would like to assist in publishing. If your manuscript meets our submission guidelines, we will offer you one of two opportunities below.
(1) A no cost to you book publishing deal (we only offer two of these per year, and is based on exceptional submissions)
(2) Utilization of our book publishing services at a cost. This service includes book cover design, editing, layout, book development, PR, and store placement.


Please note the following:
– Your non-fiction or fiction manuscript should be 50%       to100% complete before submission. 
– Poetry, and short story collections, and anthologies are accepted and should be 25% to 100% complete.
– We recommend that your manuscript include a table of contents.
– Provide as much information about the marketability of your book and yourself as possible.
– Please do not submit any work that justifies or glorifies Rape, Incest, Violence, Racism, Bestiality, Pedophilia, Killing, Necrophilia, or Violence.
– Your manuscript must be one of the following file types and under 10MBs. File Types: .txt, .docx, .doc, .pdf, .rtf.

Submitting Your Manuscript



The first book of a three-part chronicle, is a concoction of poetic realism that reads like a storied voyage.  Using first-person and echoed narratives, the poems weave a salty link to the similar emotional plight of other women. The piquant story that emerges shows women navigating fear, celebrating love, seeking shelter under the strength of trust . . . love can make you forget and remember but it always, always makes you hope.

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DIMENSIONS OF A WOMAN is also available for purchase on Amazon.  CLICK TO PURCHASE HERE


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